Monday, January 4, 2010


Some days you start your day praying that the Lord will give you wisdom in recognizing ways to help those around you. If I were to have a "New Years Resolution" that is what it would be, to pray for the eyes to see those in need and then have the courage to offer the help needed.

That is how I started my day and granted, the day is not over, but what I realized today is that sometimes the very best service you can offer some folks is to not react to their negativity.

Had a customer who really wanted to be mad and fight today. I did everything in my power to show patience and be kind. She still was mad at "Companies taking advantage of people!" I do admit that a week ago I would have handed her her money back cancelled her payment and invited her to never visit my store again. I chose not to react that way.

Bottom line, after it was all said and done, I didn't have that anxiety stressed out feeling I get when I let someone pull me into their negativity. So maybe today my effort towards kindness did more for me than for the person I extended it to. I will keep trying.

1 comment:

hakesfam said...

Wow Ami, You have just done several GIANT acts of kindness for me today. I am so trying to stay afloat in this gloomy winter and you have given me (and my daughter and probably my son) the answer. This Blog is an amazing idea, love it. I think I can have some peace and go to sleep now. Love you.