Monday, January 11, 2010

5 Minute Angel

One hot summer day, my mother and I were driving to the mall for some fun! We just missed the light and were in the middle lane waiting for it to turn. My mother glanced over at the sidewalk to see a homeless man standing holding a sign that read "Hungry and Homeless. Anything helps." My mom wanted to give him money but we were in the middle and did not have much time till the light would change. She grabbed her purse and grabbed the first bill she saw. She handed me the $20 and said "run across the street and give this to him." I am happy to give homeless people money but 20 dollars seemed like a lot. I replied, "Mom I wont make it there and back before the light changes."
"Just go," she instructed me. I grabbed the bill and hopped out of the car. In the car next to us was a lady who was urging me to hurry across and I knew that even if the light turned, she would not move her car till i was safe with my mother. I made it across and I saw the man. I was nervous as I approached him but knew that i would not get hurt. "Excuse me sir. Excuse me?" The man turned and I handed him the $20 and said "God Bless." He smiled and then looked at the bill only to notice the amount and become shocked. . I turned and ran back to the car, buckled myself in, and looked at the side walk. There stood the man, looking at me then up to the sky. I could not hear him but there was no mistaking what he said. With his hands raised to the sky he said, "Thank you God. You sent me an angle." The light turned green and we were off. I felt an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness. That light was about a 60 second light. I still believe to this day that my heavenly father kept that light red till i could finish my service to him. I am still blessed to this day by that and will always remember being one of God's angels for 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. that is awesome.
Posted by Jessie Kunz-Pfeiffer