Saturday, January 9, 2010

Giving is Contagious

A dear friend of mine told me his story, I hope that I can retell it accurately.

Because his family felt they had been especially blessed they decided that instead of buying a bunch of gifts for each other they would give to those in need that they came across.

While at the mall they had fun picking names off of the Tree of Sharing and one of the the requests was by a teenage boy for a long board. My friend went to the board shop in the mall and because he did not know much about long boards he asked the kid at the counter what would be a really good long board and asked him to put together a package that he would want himself. The kid was excited to help him and asked him who it was for. My friend told him that it was for a Tree of Sharing person. When the kid realized that my friend was willing to pay so much to get something for a total stranger he was amazed. About this time my friends wife came in the store and said that he should grab some "skullcandy" head phones that were also requested from the tree of sharing. The people at the store were so impressed by the generosity that they had witnessed that they grabbed a bunch of the headphones and said they were giving those at no charge. The energy of generosity and giving could be felt in the store... It is contagious!

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