Saturday, January 2, 2010

Just to get started....

Okay I am adding this first post just to get the conversation started. I have been thinking about a lesson I get to teach at my church, pondering what I can say to share the message in the spirit it was meant to be shared. At the same time have come across a couple of books that have deeply inspired me.

I have a life that I believe is truly blessed, yet this time of year I find myself fighting to pull myself up from the boot straps just to get by. What I am discovering however is this wonderful secret, if I make an effort to do just one small act of kindness for someone each day,I end up spending a lot more time looking for the opportunity to do that one thing rather than being grumpy or tired or depressed. That happens to be the message that the books I have come across are saying so the timing is perfect.

I know we all want to make the world a better place but more often than not feel like it is just too big a job and any little thing we do would not make a difference. So this is my challenge... Let's do the things we can, small things, and then share how it changes us. I believe we will find hope and inspiration and before we are finished we may just create that blessed change we are looking for.

So join in and share and lets see where it takes us.


Josh n Betsie said...

i look forward to reading these stories. I have so many that have been given to me. small and large. love you

lori lowe said...

Ami, great idea. I think it will be theraputic.